Dienstag bis Sonntag ab 10 Uhr (Montag Ruhetag)

Rathausstr. 23, 10178 Berlin Mitte

Jobs in Berlin Personal Wilde MatildeIMG_5456

Service Personal wanted for our event Variete restaurant

Hello Berlin we are looking for new members for our event restaurant , We are looking for service staff, waitresses, service staff, bar staff, restaurant staff, cafe staff, gastronomy staff and kitchen staff for our colourful crazy team at the Wilde Matilde Karussell-Bar Berlin. Are you a waitress, waitress, barkeeper, bartender, barista, counter worker, tapper, counter staff, service, service staff, runner, cook, confectioner, pastry chef or would you like to become one? We are looking for bar staff, restaurant staff and cafe staff for our fun team at Berlin’s hippest Karussell Bar in Berlin Mitte at the Red Town Hall in the Nikolaiviertel. Are you interested in what is probably the best job in Berlin or would you like to learn the trade than write to us, we look forward to hearing from you. We offer student job, part-time job, weekend job, part-time job, main job or training in the middle of Berlin at the hippest carousel bar, restaurant, cafe, coffee house. Pastry shop, breakfast bar, restaurant event location of the Wilde Matilde Bar in the Nikolaiviertel. You would like to make guests happy in our cafe and breakfast restaurant? Whether you are a student, a pupil, a trainee or a career changer, become part of our team. We are looking for and training baristas, waiters, specialists in the hospitality industry, restaurant specialists, service staff, bartenders, bartenders, bar staff and cooks. Come by Wilde Matilde Rathausstr.23 10178 Berlin or write to us at info@wildematilde.de website: http://www.wildematilde.de

second event location: http://www.knutschfleckberlin.de

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