Dienstag bis Sonntag ab 10 Uhr (Montag Ruhetag)

Rathausstr. 23, 10178 Berlin Mitte

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Plan your bachelor party in the trendy cocktail bar Berlin Mitte

For the perfect planning for your bachelor party you need, venue, supply, entertainment program and guests. We are happy to help you with this! Supply is with the Wilde Matilde Berlin as a place also clarified, since we have a large selection of Berlin dishes and on our drinks card 150 different cocktails shine from our schnieken Barkeepern directly before your Augenuglein shaken and stirred! Venue is our Wilde Matilde Bar Berlin which is located directly at Nikolaiviertel, right in the heart of Berlin and directly at the big train station. Now let’s get to the entertainment program, in addition to colorful variety show with many different show acts and various workshops such as burlesque and cocktail workshop Wednesdays or Fridays, where you can learn a lot of new things, we also have packages, offers, vouchers and tickets on our homepage that you can choose from and take the planning to the side. Take off because in them for example limousine rides, stripper or also exclusive drinks can be contained of our bachelorette party packages and offers for bachelors! If you take a look at the homepage, you will know what we are talking about. The point „guests“ is then the only task that you have to do yourself! Grab your loved ones, dress creatively and then off you go with the troop. Website: http://www.wildematilde.de Contact: info@wildematilde.de

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