Dienstag bis Sonntag ab 10 Uhr (Montag Ruhetag)

Rathausstr. 23, 10178 Berlin Mitte


Gift vouchers and event packages

On the subject of gift vouchers, gift packages or experience vouchers, you are in the right place at the Wilde Matilde Cocktail Bar!
There are many different events where our vouchers, packages, and offers can be helpful and save you the whole planning theater 😉
Make yourself comfortable and enjoy show or workshops that will surely entertain you enough. Typical Berlin food as well as tasty, cool cocktails and other beverages can
n slip through your gills and are freshly prepared for you.
Occasions can also be company celebrations, company parties, family – or company anniversaries, family celebrations, group building events, B2B or even a long-awaited reunion. We are curious with which celebration you arrive with us.
Use our value vouchers for example as a voucher for bachelorette party or JGA package. Our JGA offers have it fist thick behind the ears and offer you the most diverse ideas that make your JGA an unforgettable evening.
To help you find your way around, we have given them names. They are called, for example, Jeremy-Pascal, Sarafina, Chantal, Fabiene or Patrick and have then among other things shots, strippers or a limousine ride through Berlin in Petto.
Maybe a new year of life is just around the corner and since the last one was so successful it has to be celebrated properly. Then we have Anna-Birne and Flotte-Lotte for you. These are the names of our birthday packages that want to sweeten the evening even more! gutscheineberlin #berlingutscheine #vouchers #vouchersberlin #berlinvouchers #gutscheinpakete #gutscheinpaketeberlin #paketeberlin #berlinpakete #wildematilde #voucherpackedges #packedgevouchers #voucherpackedgesberlin #alexanderplatzberlin #berlinalexanderplatz #eventlocationberlin #berlineventlocation #birthdaypackages #birthdayvouchers #giftvouchers #birthdayvouchers #birthdaypackedge

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