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Café, pastry shop, breakfast restaurant, variety bar, cocktail bar, dinner restaurant, German cuisine, brunch restaurant, cake house and patisserie in one. This is the Wilde Matilde experience restaurant. A unique bar in the Nikolaiviertel for young and old. The perfect event location and best place in Berlin to celebrate special occasions or just have a fancy dinner. You can expect a hearty German cuisine with Alt Berliner dishes and sugary desserts from our in-house patisserie. Perfect for a romantic candle light dinner or special events such as birthday, JGA, family celebration, farewell party, B2B, B2C, wedding anniversary, anniversary, company party, team events, gala, meetings or business meetings. In addition, the Wilde Matilde bartenders serve you the most delicious drinks and most unusual cocktails of the capital. Whether for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, dinner, coffee and cake or for various workshops such as our cocktail course, baking course or gin tasting, the Wilde Matilde is an absolute highlight in Berlin, which you simply must have visited! And on weekends there is the unique variety show program with burlesque show, dance interludes, live music, live singing with Magy da Silver, aerial acrobatics, showgirls and artists. You should not miss it! Also available as a gift voucher, just have a look at www.wildematilde.de, there you will find all gift vouchers, information and reservation options.