Öffnungszeiten: Di bis So ab 10 Uhr,
Mo Ruhetag

Rathausstr. 23, 10178 Berlin Mitte
Knutschfleck Berlin Variete, Knutschfleck Party Bar Berlin, Knutschfleck Bar Berlin, Knutschfleck Berlin Variete Bar, Junggesellinnenabschied Party Berlin, JGA Pakete Berlin, Firmenfeier, Teamevent, Geburtstag, Junggesellenabschied Angebote, JGA Idee, Mädelsabend, Jahresfeier, Neujahrsfeier, Knutschfleck Bar unter dem Berliner Fernsehturm, Junggesellenabschied Pakete, Geburtstags Pakete, Gutschein, Geschenk, Tickets Berlin, Abendprogramm Berlin, Veranstaltungen in Berlin, Veranstaltungskalender, Weihnachtsfeier, Weihnachtsgutschein, Geschenkidee, Knutschfleckberlin, Knutschfleck, Bars, Bar, Bar near me, Club, JGA, Party Bilder Berlin, Gutscheine, Angebote, Pakete, Partybar, Restaurants für Gruppen Bars für Gruppen, Party Club Berlin, Partylocation, B2B, B2C, Firmenpaket, clubbing, Biergarten, Geburtstagsparty, Tickets, EintrittFrei, Nigthlife Berlin, Geburtstag Paket, Event, Teamevents, Restaurant, Deutsche Küche, Party Freitag, Party Samstag, Berlin, Nightclub, Kick Off Event, Incentiv, Get together, Mädelsabend, Disco, Discothek, Teamevent, Teamabend, Aftershowparty, Junggesellenabschied, AlexanderplatzEventlocation, Betriebsfeier, Livemusic, Cocktailbar, Cocktailbar Berlin, BarAlexanderplatz Show BarBerlin Firmenfeier Cocktailworkshop Burlesque Bar Cocktailkurs, Gutscheine Variete, Hochzeitstag, Gruppenevents, Touristenattraktion, Hennaabend Concierge Erlebnisgastronomie Event Partybilder Partyvideos Influencer Betriebsfeier, Firmenfeier, PartylocationNr1, toplocationberlin, Terrasse, Barnearme, GinTasting, Cocktailkurs, Showgirls Berlin, Deutsche Küche, BestBarBerlin, Eventlocation, Kick Off Berlin, Variete, teamabend. Gutscheine, Weihnachtsfeier, Firmenfeier, Tickets Berlin, Gutschein, Gutscheine in Berlin, Erlebnisse in Berlin, Weihnachtsgutscheine, Incentivs, B2B, Gruppenevents, Erlebnisgutschein, Tickets, Geschenkgutschein, Geschenkidee, Geburtstagsgutschein, Bars, Ginbar, Gin Bar mieten, Cocktailbar mieten, Barkeeper mieten, Gutschein, Gutscheine in Berlin, Erlebnisse in Berlin, Weihnachtsgutscheine, JGA

Colorful diversity in Berlin

In Berlin's historic center, here you will find the gateway to the wonderful world. In the Nikolaiviertel with a view of the TV tower, Berlin Cathedral and Berlin Palace, you can immerse yourself in the world of Wilde Matilde. The bar is a chain carousel, a place for everyone who needs a break from the gray everyday life. It doesn't get boring here because it says; exciting and colourful. You can only sink into our beautiful pink armchairs, but not only our premises are beautiful and colourful, our cocktail menu also reflects how crazy and colorful life can be. Our selection of over 150 different cocktails in all variations will leave you amazed. Fancy a classic Mojito, Pina Colada or Sex on the Beach is no problem. If you fancy something very unusual, no problem with our own creations such as Flitzpiepe, Popsicles, Bling Bling or Friday the 13th. A recommendation from the heart.

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