At the Dinner Show in the Wilde Matilde Cocktail Bar Berlin you can forget the stress of everyday life and surrender to the bliss of Wilde Matilde. Imagine yourself sitting in a restaurant that reminds you of Alice in Wonderland. You are guided to your seat by a lovely Frollein, who sells sweets, cigarette holders, matches and other nice things in her hawker’s tray. She takes you on a journey through her colorful life – the merry-go-round of life turns for the first time and begins in the wild 1920s and 1930s. Immerse yourself in this time, in the style of the divas and salon ladies and the most beautiful chansons. Experience burlesque dance interludes à la „French Can Can“ and „Moulin Rouge“ as well as bohemian performances of various kinds. You will be served by neat serving trollins in seductive costumes, the bar is a chain carousel where sugar-sweet boys with cheeky suspenders and perky melons on their heads conjure up the most delicious cocktails in town. Artists rock above your heads, eyelash tinkling candy girls hand out sweets and coquettish dancers swing their hips on the bar while an exotic beauty in an oversized champagne glass gives you goose bumps. The merry-go-round of life continues to spin… our swing musicians on the saxophone spread Glenn Miller charm and carry you off into the next era. A cheeky popcorn girl makes her way, „Red Lips and Rock’n’Roll“ sounds out of the jukebox and sweet air flirts in the sound of twist, swing and boogie-woogie. It smells of fresh popcorn and other treats from the in-house patisserie. And between you, there are pin-up girls with red lips, petticoats and lollipops. And the carousel turns and turns and turns…
These and more amusements await you on Fridays and Saturdays in the Wilde Matilde, the best event location in Berlin for every occasion. Let yourself be surprised by an exciting show that lacks neither fun nor glittering costumes and experience a colorful show evening. And for all those who are still without ideas for Christmas, there are now great Christmas vouchers to give away. Your loved ones will be happy about that for sure. Give away the experience voucher for a show dinner or the gift voucher for a colorful show evening. And for those who want a little more peace and quiet, there are also vouchers for a cocktail course or the voucher for a wet and happy gin tasting.
#WildeMatildeBerlin #CocktailBar #VouchersBerlin #Giftvouchers #JGA #Birthday #bestBar #BarBerlin #VarietéShow #BurlesqueBerlin #WildeMatilde #BirthdayClub #bestBar #Bars #Bararms #Christmasparty #Companyparty #Coupons #Tickets #PartyPackages #Bacheloretteparty #bestCocktails #Companyparty #B2B #Bachelorpartypackages #JGA #JGApackages #Birthdayparty #Birthdaypackages #PartyClub #Clubnight #Restaurant #Packages #Christmasparty #Livemusic #Variety #ShowBar #Burlesque #Cocktailbar #Karaoke #PartylocationNr1 #KaraokeBar #Weddingday #Birthday #Coupon #Teambuilding #Barmyclose #Teamevent #Cocktailworkshop #VIP #BurlesqueBar #VIPBar #Concierge #Afterwork #Bar #Berlin #Summercocktails #Biergarten #Terrace #Alexanderplatz #PartyPictures #BarinderNähe #GirlsEvening #LiveConcertBerlin #LiveinBerlin #BestKonzertclubberlin #Eventlocation #topinfluencer #Influencer #youtubesta #instasta #tripadvisor #locationscoute #toplocationberlinVoucher #VouchereinBerlin #ExperiencesinBerlin #ChristmasVouchers #ExperienceVoucher #GiftVoucher #GiftIdea #BirthdayVoucher #VoucherforCocktailCourse