Öffnungszeiten: Di-So ab 10 Uhr,
Montag Ruhetag
Rathausstr. 23, 10178 Berlin Mitte
00 (15)

Bachelor party hot spot

Say goodbye to your bachelorette with a fascinating variety show. Looking for the perfect event for your JGA. Celebrate your bachelorette party at Berlin’s number 1 burlesque show. The best cocktail bar on Alexanderplatz, Knutschfleck Berlin with breathtaking live acrobatics, artistry, dance and live music. Experience an unforgettable evening in the top location for variety and burlesque. You can expect a 4-hour show program with variety, entertainment, show and evening program with funny animation, hula hoop, live music, exciting Cancan, Burlesque, Moulin Rouge, Charleston, Rock’n’Roll and Chicago Dance shows you can enjoy the evening with delicious cocktails. 150 cocktails on the drinks menu and a burlesque show promise an unforgettable evening. Contact: „info@wildematilde.de
Website: http://www.wildematilde.de

Second Location: http://www.knutschfleckberlin.de

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